Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : JEAN FRANCOIS Sex : Man Status : In a relationship, without children Birthday : 07 Oct 1965 (59 ) Area : Thionville |
A few words |
L'espace d'une vie est le même, qu'on le passe en chantant ou en pleurant.
«Nous sous-estimons souvent le pouvoir d’un contact, d’un sourire, d’un mot gentil, d’une oreille attentive, d’un compliment sincère ou de la moindre attention; ils ont tous le pouvoir de changer une vie» |
Work / Job I am my own boss | Languages I speak FrenchI speak German | Daily life I am rather large |
Technology I have a smartphone | I like a culture/food FrenchArab Asian - Indian Portuguese Italian | Sports Hiking |
Physical Activities Stroll | Games Card games - PokerBoard games Bowling | Cooking / Eating CookingI enjoy coffee I enjoy tea I enjoy wine I enjoy beer |
Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachMountain Zoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events Concert - FestivalFairs - Shows | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |